This collaboration between our partners at Logan Together with Griffith University, Opportunity Child and Collaboration for Impact was the first national celebration of place-based change in Australia and resulted in a powerful statement of how to work with communities, presented to State and Federal government representatives.
First Nations leaders reminded delegates that any social movement in Australia must have the empowerment and aspirations of Indigenous Australians at its heart as encapsulated in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
The joint statement developed at ChangeFest18 outlines the vision of a future for Australia where communities thrive and where all children have a safe home, are healthy, are educated and have a strong sense of identity and belonging.
In order to fulfil this vision communities, government, philanthropy, the not-for-profit sector and business need to agree to own and act according to core principles that include:
- Shifting the balance of power and responsibility to communities
- Shared goals and solutions that are tailored to local needs
- Improved whole-of-life outcomes through strong foundations in the early years of life
- Changing the system. The rules, processes, incentives and behaviours to deliver the impact Australians want where we live.
This movement calls on political leaders, community organisations, philanthropists, businesses, and others to make a long-term, transparent investment in Australia by empowering communities to provide a better future for their children.
Read the full statement here.