Every two weeks an Elder dies and carries with them to the grave the last syllables of an ancient tongue. Wade Davies
The program results in the production of a community multi-touch book containing Aboriginal language, stunning animations, shadow puppetry, performance and sound design. These stories also function as future teaching tools and form part of important cultural archives.
Dusseldorp Forum supported SharingStories to undertake an evaluation of this program. The evaluation highlighted that students developed both new technical skills and a higher level of interpersonal skills with each other, with the school and with the community. Students challenged themselves beyond what they thought they were capable of and were highly engaged and totally immersed in all aspects of the project. Stronger relationships were built between students, the school and Elders and students learned how to work together as a team and respect the choices and decisions of others.
Find out more about SharingStories Foundation’s Digital Storytelling Program here.
“Uncle Sandy can share his story with his grandkids – even though he is no longer here, his story can be told.”
Anne Atkinson, Bangerang Custodian and teacher pictured here with her father.
Pictured: Andrew Cameron teaching students the story of Pondi the Giant Murray Cod on Country as part of the program with Swan Hill Primary School.
“Through this program we have families to come in and share their skills. Have the cultural asset to hand down. We will do this more at the school now. Culture is becoming a stronger sense in our community.” Anne Atkinson, Bangerang Custodian and teacher.
Pictured: Thornbury Primary Students enacting Wurundjeri ancestors.