Through a series of Narrative Practice workshops, Dusseldorp Forum’s partners from Kempsey, Bourke, Moree and Mt Druitt shared stories about the ways their communities are made stronger by identifying the skills, beliefs, knowledges and values that assist them in facing their struggles.

Their words reveal the care, connection and resistance of generations of First Nations communities.


“The practice of love goes all the way back.”

“It is a caring nature that our people have.”

“Door is always open. You want a feed, you get one but if there are 8 ice blocks and 10 people, no one gets one.”


“I don’t rouse on them, it never worked for me. I learned to listen to them.”

“Fishin is like staring into a fire. You get focussed on it.”

“Love ya little brother.”
“Love you Unc.”


“We are patient and strong and knowing.”

“I fight for what's right and if they don't like it that's fine.”

“I have to be smarter to get my point across and find ways to get people to understand when they are not right.”

“Call it out but look after ourselves in the process.”

“Don't let them get to you.”


“Culture is the connection to place and each other.”

“Mum would bring a family tree to the knockout.” “Who's your mob, where you from?”

“Mum put the Aboriginal Flag on my birthday cake. Know who you are and where you come from.”

“Being with mob, it's just one big family.”


“Our matriachs have taught us and held it down for so long. Taking us on journeys of memories of how to influence in true ways.”

“She would not take a backwards step.”

“It's time to give back to the Elders for all they have done.”

Narrative Practice

Dear Disrespectful Young Person.

You are smart. You are strong. Your opinions and experiences are valid and should be heard. You are our future, and we look to you for guidance. Remember where you came from — your family, elders and ancestors — and what the fight is for. Your disrespect is bravery for challenging social norms and oppression. Be humble, be loud, be heard.

From a fellow Disrespectful Young Person.