
Looking back at TRAC

TRAC was a pioneering program of vocational learning for school students in Years 11 and 12 centred around structured and assessed work placements.

It was designed and developed by the Dusseldorp Skills Forum to bridge the almost complete disconnect, at the time, between the skills students acquired through school and the skills they would need to enter the labour market.

By every measure – and there were careful evaluations both by the Forum and by external researchers – TRAC more than achieved its aims. It demonstrated, on a national scale, that upper secondary schools can and should prepare students for work in ways that are rigorous and accredited.

This report by Jane Figgis purpose is to search TRAC’s development, implementation, and eventual devolution for lessons that might be learned – underlying principles that might exist – which could usefully be applied to other of the Forum’s ventures and ambitions.

Looking back at TRAC

September 2006

Author: Jane Figgis – AAAJ Consulting Group

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