
Supercharge Australia: Clean Energy Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Dusseldorp Forum is partnering with Supercharge Australia to unlock the potential of lithium battery technology to drive environmental progress and economic growth.

A project of the partnership between global and Australian clean energy accelerators, New Energy Nexus and EnergyLab, Supercharge Australia aims to support startups along the lithium battery value chain, positioning Australia as a leader in clean energy innovation.

“Supercharge Australia is doing critical work for the Australian just energy transition and wider economy. Australia produces over half the world’s lithium, yet retains less than 1% of the value it creates in a future multi-trillion dollar global battery industry. To change this equation, both for the benefit of Australia’s economy and increased pace of positive climate outcomes, we need the innovators, entrepreneurs and startups of Australia to rise to this opportunity.”

Kirk McDonald, Supercharge Australia Project Manager

Renewable energy storage, both in stationary and mobile applications is a central aspect of Supercharge Australia’s mission. Lithium batteries, essential for storing energy from sources like solar and wind, offer a pathway to a more reliable power supply. Electric vehicles (EVs) in reducing air pollution and combating climate change. By powering most EVs, lithium-ion batteries play a significant role in improving air quality and promoting more equitable transportation solutions. We need to end dependence on fossil fuels, and mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible.

The impact of Supercharge Australia extends beyond energy storage and transportation to broader issues of energy access and grid stability. Furthermore, by integrating intermittent renewable energy sources into the grid, lithium batteries enhance grid stability and resilience, crucial in the face of extreme weather events. Lithium batteries enable access to electricity in remote communities without exacerbating climate change through reliance on fossil fuels. Indeed, Supercharge Australia is pleased to count women and Indigenous entrepreneurs within their cohorts, and make a point of supporting equity and diversity – the best ideas and best entrepreneurs may come from any community, and we need to ensure all have access to this opportunity.

Efforts to develop recycling technologies for lithium batteries contribute to a circular economy, reducing environmental impact and minimising the need for new resource extraction. This ensures that valuable materials are recovered and reused, addressing environmental concerns associated with battery disposal. In a future global circular economy, Australia should place itself at the heart of battery materials recycling and manufacturing efforts, utilising abundant clean energy resources to keep green batteries available to the world.

Australia’s abundant lithium resources position it as a global leader in clean energy innovation. However, the full economic potential of the lithium sector remains untapped. Supercharge Australia aims to accelerate the growth of lithium battery startups, driving value creation and economic growth in the clean energy sector.

“Startups need support and money. The natural provider of long-term capital for high-risk investments, a class into which all climate deep-tech startups and especially those associated with battery industry advancement fall, is government. But while most capable at scale, governments have their own constraints and it is here that visionary philanthropists can make a massive difference through insightful, and faster, action.”

Kirk McDonald

Initiatives like the Supercharge Australia Innovation Challenge provide startups with support and resources to thrive in the clean energy market, attracting investment and fuelling innovation. This positions Australia to play a significant role in the global energy transition by leveraging its renewable resources and producing decarbonised lithium battery products.

Kirk McDonald, Danny Kennedy, Jake Carpenter, Lex Forsyth, Luan Atkinson at the Supercharge Australia Innovation Challenge launch in May 2024.

As Supercharge Australia continues to expand its programs and partnerships, it remains committed to advancing clean energy solutions and driving positive environmental outcomes. With a focus on sustainability, innovation, and economic empowerment, Supercharge Australia is paving the way for a brighter, greener future.

“New Energy Nexus and EnergyLab are incredibly grateful to the Dusseldorp Forum for their vision and fast response to the challenges this opportunity provides. Dusseldorp Forum’s generous, long-term commitment provides a solid base for our work. Together we look forward to building this necessary ecosystem, growing the program and growing to global scale the successful lithium battery value chain startups we support.”

Kirk McDonald
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