Supported by Dusseldorp Forum, these groups come together to distil what works and why, share evidence and resources and build a greater collective voice to advocate for the system changes required to shift long-term outcomes for vulnerable children and communities.
The story so far
In 2017, the Festival of Change brought together change makers from across Australia. The four initiatives recognised that together they’re part of a social change movement for thriving communities. And while their work is happening in different ways and diverse locations, they share common design principles that provide a guide for collective, long-term social change in place.
Festival of Change 2018
Year Two of the Festival of Change was held from 8-10 May 2018 at Abbotsford Convent in Melbourne. The lighthouses worked together to articulate what is required to sustain their nation leading work. The value of relationships as well as developing social change leadership and flexible funding models were identified as key enablers.
On the second day the lighthouse initiatives presented to a select group from government, business, philanthropy and not-for-profit sectors about the systems change they are each driving featuring the breakthroughs and also the challenges they are facing.
You can view these presentations in the videos below:
Community voice
We strongly value local knowledge, expertise and experience. As part of the Festival of Change we met and talked with community members from Bourke, Doveton, Logan and Kabulwarnamyo to better understand what this work means to them. Their compelling photographs and stories were displayed throughout the Festival and you can view them here.
What’s next
The lighthouses have committed to advancing their work together. They are focusing on developing rigorous case studies that communicate how they are achieving change, advocating together for not more funding but more flexible funding and developing the unique leadership required to sustain this work into the future.
If you have expertise in any of these areas or are interested in hearing more about the lighthouses, their work and our collective efforts, please get in touch.