Croc Skills Try’aTrade is a project that introduces students to a variety of trades and jobs in a practical and engaging way.
Skilled tradespeople from the community come together at one venue to work with the students in small groups. They teach the students a skill that is hands-on and that illustrates what their job is like. For example, students work with a plumber to change a washer and clear a trap. The tradespeople also talk to the students about pathways they can take to enter that job and the need to stay at school to ensure they have the necessary skills to take up the education and training. After the event, the students receive a booklet with information about each of the jobs they tried, local apprentice profiles, and local contact details for training programs.
Croc Skills prompts Year 8 & 9 students to start thinking about what they might like to do as a job. Taking the traditional careers market one step further, at a Croc Skills event, students get to actually try each of the jobs on offer, to get a first hand taste of what each job involves and learn some real skills associated with each occupation.