
Working with the bedrock

On 22 September 2016 Dusseldorp Forum co-presented with partners Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation (VFFF), the Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project (Bourke, NSW) and the Children and Prison Program (Dubbo, NSW) at the Philanthropy Australia Conference in a session entitled Collaboration For Community Resilience And Growth.

Our panel shared what it takes to work collaboratively at the deepest community level to shift outcomes for young people, specifically to reduce the over incarceration of Aboriginal young people in western NSW. We know that complex social problems, like child incarceration, lie in the bedrock of community and so does the greatest opportunity for change. If we really want to play a useful part in complex issues, we have to find ways to work with and resource the bedrock. Our panel explored how it can be done, what’s required and what kind of outcomes are achieved, recorded in the presentation deck from the conference here.

We are also very happy to speak with anyone interested in learning more about this way of working. You can contact us here.
Pictured above: Michael Trail AM, Emily Fuller, Alistair Ferguson, Sharon Thomas, Teya Dusseldorp and Kristy Kennedy

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