Current Partnerships

These are some of the organisations and initiatives we partner with to make positive change together.

Surfers for Climate

Surfers for Climate (SFC) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organisation engaging surfers and coastal communities to empower and mobilise a sea-roots movement for positive climate action.

The vision of SFC is to ensure that surfers are riding waves in a thriving ocean for generations to come. To turn this vision into reality, SFC has created a number of innovative ‘take-offs’ for coastal communities to learn about climate change and the solutions they can advance to address it.

SFC also actively and positively engages with politicians, always towards bipartisan support on climate policies at the core of SFC’s work, which are:

  • Bipartisan support for a ban on new offshore oil and gas projects by 2028 (NSW recently banned offshore oil and gas in state waters due to SFC’s bipartisan advocacy efforts);
  • Advance policies and engage communities to support the groundswell of renewable energy
  • Advocate for stronger marine protections that ensure biodiversity is protected from future resource extraction and damage.


SFC undertakes its advocacy and movement building according to the following values:

‘Recognising and Respecting the ‘True Locals’, Australia’s First Nations stewards and custodians of Sea Country

‘Bold Inclusion’, recognising the diversity within surf culture and welcoming all surfers and ocean lovers on the party wave of climate action.

‘Thoughtful Larrikinism’, tapping into the counter cultural roots of surfing to make learning about climate change fun.

‘Collaboration and Connection’ through working with like-minded communities, businesses and organisations to make change happen. 

‘Respect’, for each other, and the ocean.

Carpark Convos with Satya Tanner – offshore wind expert

These Australian Surfers Are Sick of Climate Change Inaction | Act Local

Carpark Convo with Dr Rebecca Huntley

Learn more about Surfers for Climate